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Monday, June 3, 2013

El Salvador Day one - Travel Day!

It’s hard to believe that just 2 days ago Josh and I were married!  Now I am on a plane, ok plane 2 of 3 for El Salvador!  I am so excited to be going on my first mission trip.  I can already feel God working in my own heart; I can only imagine how the next several days will play out!  I never in a million years would have imagined 1 that I would actually go on a mission trip, and 2 that I would marry my best friend! The man whom I have known since grade school!  It brings tears to my eyes every time I think of how much I love him, how blessed I am that God crossed our paths and that he just doesn’t love me, but he loves my boys!
I use to laugh when people said they were married to their best friend.  Today I know exactly what they mean when they say that!  I know Josh tells me he is the lucky one… But I am the lucky one!  He is my rock, my best friend, my biggest cheerleader, my companion and the list goes on.  When I am doubtful in my faith he is quick to remind me that God has a plan, to trust in that plan and look at the good in every situation, person, thing and so much more. 
Often in life we get off the beaten path.  We allow others to dictate our lives; we allow the devil to grab a hold of our souls.  We make mistakes, and with many of those come consequences.  But how awesome is it that we have a Father who loves us more!  For so long I fought that I was worth loving!  That my sins were too great to ever have the life God intended for me to have.  I am far from perfect, we all are, but I am better today than I was yesterday!  
I look back to that day in the summer of 2006 when I sat with my friends Dorynda and Lisa in Doyndas office at Evangel.  For the first time in my life someone looked me in the eyes and told me that Jesus loved me! His intent for my life was not one of heart ache, pain and again the list goes on.  NO, His plan was for good!  We cried, and then another first, as they prayed over me!  Since that day God has placed so many people in my path!  There have been times when I have slipped, and stumbled along the way.  Every time I have felt Him pick me back up, whipping the dirt from knees, kissing my forehead and telling me to get up.  That we all fall down in life, it is how we chose to get up that defines who we are! 
I am the first to say I make mistakes, I struggle with the devil for the aisle more times than not.  But today I look in the mirror, and I can see hope that once was lost, dreams that were forgotten, and a passion that was once gone! 
God has laid a lot on my heart.   A lot of things in regards to missions, to helping those less fortunate and being bold in who I am.  Does that mean I am perfect???? NO! What it means is that I can say I am not perfect, that I sin every day that I struggle everyday just like the next person.  What’s amazing about all of it though, I have a Father who sacrificed His only son so I could live! So I could make mistakes and learn from them, so I could open my heart to all the plans that He has for not only me but my family! 
Just sitting here on this plane, my heart is so heavy.  I am praying God helps me to be strong and that not only does He do a work in the lives of the people of El Salvador but He does a work in my life, and the loves of our entire team! 
Stay tuned as I will post at least once a day to my blog in regards to how things are going and what we are doing!  For all of those who have helped to make this trip a reality for me; thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!  I could not have done this if not for all of you, whether it was prayers, donations or words of support.  Thank you, all of you!!! 

Until next time! Have a fabulous day!!!!

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