Sit back, grab a cup of Java and enjoy the day!

Welcome to our crazy everyday lives!

Monday, July 8, 2013

This really spoke to me today and wanted to share and reflect on it!

God's Plan-
God has been making arrangements for your part in His plan long before you were born.  He is never unprepared.  Your past does not surprise Him.  Your present does not worry Him.  Your future is not a mystery to Him.  No one is second-class laborer in His harvest.  You are precious to Him.  He is the Almighty, you are His beloved child, and we are all part of the wonderful tapestry of His eternal purpose!

I think often we all get stuck in a rut, and forget how much we are loved.  We often try and find peace and comfort in all the wrong places.  We may try finding comfort by abusing drugs or alcohol.  Some may find it in holding onto bitterness, anger and control.  Where others may find themselves in a deep dark depression.  I know for me, I use to land in the middle of all the categories I listed.  I still struggle with a few, but that is what makes me human.  What makes me different today, from 5, 6, 7 and 10 years ago, is today I know the love of our Eternal Father.... Yes I sin every single day.  We all do.  It is not place to judge you or anyone else.  It is my job to strive to make each day better, to live each day stronger, and to remember that God does have a plan far greater then I could ever imagine..... A plan that was partially exposed to me in June while I was in El Salvador..... Something I still have yet to figure out....
Just always remember... You are loved! You are loved more then you could ever imaging, and what you did yesterday, that is yesterday!
 Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare[a] and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Good Bye El Salvador

Is hard to believe we are winding down and back to packing mode so we can leave for the airport at 3 AM…. I have to say, everyday God touched me in ways I never imagined.  Today we hiked up a volcano, (try and do that in MO lol) and it was breathtaking! 
Tonight’s church service was indescribable.  I think I cried more tonight then I have in a long time.  They were not tears of sorrow; no they were tears of joy, thanks, and praises.  Before heading out on this trip I had no idea what to really except.  I can honestly say I am forever changed. 
I know I am sinner, I am not perfect, I make mistakes and I have struggles.  But this week I was reminded over and over again that I am loved more than I can ever imagine!  You know we go to church on Sunday and Wednesday in our nice air conditioned buildings.  We drive our nice cars and are able to eat before we get there.  Here we sat, sweat dripping from our heads singing and praising the Lord.  It was amazing! I can’t wait to come back! El Salvador holds a special place in my heart!  I will be back, and I can wait to hug each one of the kids and parents I met this week!  El Salvador I am grateful for this trip! And I am so thankful to all those who helped to get me here! I will forever be grateful!

In a few hours I will be leaving on a jet plane! I can’t wait to hug all my boys!!!!


Thursday, June 6, 2013

El Salvador Day 4

What a day!  I have to say when we leave early Saturday morning a piece of my heart will stay behind here in El Salvador.  Today was so amazing.  The excitement the kids had at the 2 schools we went to where we did the JRA kid’s camp experience was indescribable.  I will be honest, 100% honest, being here, seeing what we are seeing, how these kids live and still have a smile on their faces.  It really makes you look at your own life, and how you live it. 
I feel so blessed to be part of a church that pours into missions the way they do!  To actually see where the money is going, has gone and will continue to go to is an experience all in itself!  I would encourage everyone at some point in their life to go on a mission trip! 
Today was jam packed full of going to more schools and reaching more kids.  When we were leaving the first school, I had a little girl ask me to pray with her, when I asked her what for (Ok the translator lol) she said that she wanted me to pray for her brother, and that he would ask Jesus in his heart.  I asked her what was going on (again the translator comes in here) and she tells me her brother his part of a gang, or the drug cartel.  So myself and another one of our team members laid hands on her and prayed for her and with her.  As we were leaving, she came to the bus at least 5 times and hugged me from the window; finally I had to get off the bus to give her another hug.  She told me thank you (in English) and that she loved me in (again in English).  That moment made me want to pack her in my suitcase and bring her home with me!  Then we head to the next school, and same thing, little girl hugs me as we were leaving and tells “I love you forever”.  Again, another one I wish I could just pack in my suitcase and bring them home.  But, I know I can’t, but what I can do is continue to pray for them, continue to support missions over here, and continue to come back on future mission trips.  There is something special about this place that I cannot explain, but I do know I will be back!
Tomorrow we are going to hike a volcano, and in the evening attend a miracle service!  I have to say I am excited about both!

Please continue to keep our team in your prayers! It has been a journey I will always remember! 


Wednesday, June 5, 2013

What a Day!

What a day! It has been AWESOME!  Every day we are here I fall in love more and more with the country of El Salvador!  So far today we have done 3, yes 3 school assemblies.  It was the coolest thing to watch school kids worship the Lord!  Granted there were many who were not as receptive; over all it was a great day that once again will forever change my life!
We played a lot of soccer today lol!  Go figure, and I loved every minute of it! The majority of this morning and this afternoon was us going to the 3 different schools.  Tonight we are having a kid’s crusade at the church, which should be another fun filled night!

Words cannot begin to explain what God has been doing in my heart.  I have experienced things in the last 24 hours that I will never be able to put into words.  I am extremely grateful for this opportunity God has given me, and I cannot wait to come back again and again!   I am hoping to have some pictures posted soon!  Love you all and keep the prayers coming for the James River Kids team! 


Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Day one a success!

I don’t even know where to start today!  What a day it has been….  In just one day God has laid so much on my heart!  I can honestly say when someone tells you that you will never be the same after a mission trip, they are spot on!  We walked through local streets this afternoon handing out invitations to the children, and I have to say it wasn’t that my heart was breaking as much for them, as it was for me, and my selfish ways.  For the things I have at home and the things my kids have.  I watched little boys play marbles; kids get excited over a sucker, a hug, and so much more.  This morning children’s pastors came from miles away, many walked to come to the conference that we put on for them today.  I think the most memorable pat of today for me was the prayer time we had with them…  I cannot even do it justice to try and tell you about it, all I can say, for me, it was life changing! 
We take so much for granted in the states.  So much!  We are spoiled; many are greedy, and selfish!  I am personally guilty of all of those things.  I bought a pair of sunglasses at the airport because I left mine at home; today we met the little girl whose picture is on our shirts.  She was so kind and sweet.  So I gave her the sunglasses as a gift…. I wish I had a box of toys, sunglasses, and whatever else I could get through customs to hand out.  To see their faces light up was priceless!  I found myself questioning my own character. 
Being here has been, and I know will continue to be a blessing….  Today has been amazing!  Tomorrow we get to go to a school and then again on Thursday I believe.  What’s crazy is here, the schools say please, come, come and share the Gospel with these kids!  A country with not a lot of material things and they are not scared to share the Gospel!  I think we could all learn from those who have less.  It’s too easy to sit back and forget that not everyone has a Wal-Mart or McDonalds on every corner.  There are people who carry water for miles, just so they can have fresh water, and I complain when the kids use all the hot water and I have to wait for a shower…  I can honestly say my life will forever be changed for the better!  I look forward to the day when I can bring the boys here! 
Until tomorrow have a great night!!!


Monday, June 3, 2013

El Salvador Day one - Travel Day!

It’s hard to believe that just 2 days ago Josh and I were married!  Now I am on a plane, ok plane 2 of 3 for El Salvador!  I am so excited to be going on my first mission trip.  I can already feel God working in my own heart; I can only imagine how the next several days will play out!  I never in a million years would have imagined 1 that I would actually go on a mission trip, and 2 that I would marry my best friend! The man whom I have known since grade school!  It brings tears to my eyes every time I think of how much I love him, how blessed I am that God crossed our paths and that he just doesn’t love me, but he loves my boys!
I use to laugh when people said they were married to their best friend.  Today I know exactly what they mean when they say that!  I know Josh tells me he is the lucky one… But I am the lucky one!  He is my rock, my best friend, my biggest cheerleader, my companion and the list goes on.  When I am doubtful in my faith he is quick to remind me that God has a plan, to trust in that plan and look at the good in every situation, person, thing and so much more. 
Often in life we get off the beaten path.  We allow others to dictate our lives; we allow the devil to grab a hold of our souls.  We make mistakes, and with many of those come consequences.  But how awesome is it that we have a Father who loves us more!  For so long I fought that I was worth loving!  That my sins were too great to ever have the life God intended for me to have.  I am far from perfect, we all are, but I am better today than I was yesterday!  
I look back to that day in the summer of 2006 when I sat with my friends Dorynda and Lisa in Doyndas office at Evangel.  For the first time in my life someone looked me in the eyes and told me that Jesus loved me! His intent for my life was not one of heart ache, pain and again the list goes on.  NO, His plan was for good!  We cried, and then another first, as they prayed over me!  Since that day God has placed so many people in my path!  There have been times when I have slipped, and stumbled along the way.  Every time I have felt Him pick me back up, whipping the dirt from knees, kissing my forehead and telling me to get up.  That we all fall down in life, it is how we chose to get up that defines who we are! 
I am the first to say I make mistakes, I struggle with the devil for the aisle more times than not.  But today I look in the mirror, and I can see hope that once was lost, dreams that were forgotten, and a passion that was once gone! 
God has laid a lot on my heart.   A lot of things in regards to missions, to helping those less fortunate and being bold in who I am.  Does that mean I am perfect???? NO! What it means is that I can say I am not perfect, that I sin every day that I struggle everyday just like the next person.  What’s amazing about all of it though, I have a Father who sacrificed His only son so I could live! So I could make mistakes and learn from them, so I could open my heart to all the plans that He has for not only me but my family! 
Just sitting here on this plane, my heart is so heavy.  I am praying God helps me to be strong and that not only does He do a work in the lives of the people of El Salvador but He does a work in my life, and the loves of our entire team! 
Stay tuned as I will post at least once a day to my blog in regards to how things are going and what we are doing!  For all of those who have helped to make this trip a reality for me; thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!  I could not have done this if not for all of you, whether it was prayers, donations or words of support.  Thank you, all of you!!! 

Until next time! Have a fabulous day!!!!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

A little Something for the day!

"Our Father refreshes us on the journey with some pleasant inns, but will not encourage us to mistake them for home." -C.S.Lewis

“Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows; it empties today of its strength.” Corrie ten Boom

Each day is a brand new opportunity to be Jesus to the world. - R. Falcon Better Tomorrows

And my favorite one on of the day!
"Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experiences of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired and success achieved."

 Helen Keller (1880-1968)

Monday, March 4, 2013

Dear Family and Friends- I hope that 2013 is shaping up to be a great year for all of you! On June 3rd 2013 a group from the Children’s ministry at James River Assembly will be heading to El Salvador! We will be partnering with missionaries, Kenton and Elsie Moody, to further the vision God has placed on their hearts. This particular trip excites me because of the variety of activities we will be a part of, and the lasting impact we can make. In just a few short days we will have the opportunity to: • Encourage and equip national children’s ministry leaders in a one day mini-conference. • Engage children in a school setting through morning and afternoon crusades • Give children a 5 star kid’s camp experience in one of the Moody’s refuge projects. • Minister to parents and families through evening services. • Potential of assembling and leaving behind a playground in one of the projects. • Experience the culture and hospitality of the El Salvador people in the market place and on a mountain tour. As many of you know, mission trips are not cheap. I am reaching out to you in hopes that you could help sponsor me so I can go on this once in a lifetime trip. Over the past few years God has laid on my heart to someday be a part of such an amazing opportunity. Obviously I cannot do this without the support and help from others! All donations can be tax deductible. Below is the layout as to how I have to pay the fees. February 3rd $200.00 Deposit due (non-refundable) Update- This goal has been met! February 24nd Application & $312.50 Update - This Goal has been met! March 24th $ 312.50 Installment due Update - This goal is 75% met! April 21st $ 312.50 Installment due May 19th $312.50 Installment due / Lunch Please feel free to contact me at any time with any questions. My Cell phone is 417-229-0789 and my email is or Thank you all in advance! Much Love! Julie Kelly-

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Time to get back to the blogging

I am not going to chat it up about how long it has been since my last blog, instead I am a back in business and be ready to follow a crazy ride! LOL! 15 years ago this May I walked across the football field of Neosho HS and received my diploma. The world was at my fingertips. Unfortunately, like many teens I found myself lost in a world of chaos and confusion. It wasn't until we had our first son that it really hit me. I didn't “have” to go back to school; I HAD to go back to school. I had to make a better life for my family. For most people who have the desire to go to school, there is not a lot to really stress over. Well for me, this is where it began to get a little tricky. When I was in the 3rd grade (1989) I was hit by a minivan in front of my parents’ house. The Mini Van was traveling between 45-50 MPH, in a 25 MPH residential neighborhood. As a result of the accident I suffered a traumatic brain injury, causing me to have lifelong learning disabilities. When I was 18 college seemed impossible. One teacher believed in me enough to research, to see if there was a way for me to go to college. She and I spent an entire weekend in a small classroom at our high school, and I took the ACT verbally; because she believed in me, I began to believe in myself. Every child, every student, and every person deserves a chance. I could have easily said “I can’t” and moved on with my life. Instead I chose to look the devil in the eyes, grab life by the horns and say “I can and I will!” Recently I made the decision to pursue my master’s degree, and it was the easiest decision I have made in years. Before my time in the degree completion program at Evangel University, I was lost. I was broken. The faculty and staff invested in not only my education, but my well-being, helping me to find my way home. In September 2006 I truly received Jesus in my life. It was a true result of the faculty and staff at Evangel. I have since grown as a person, mother and employee. I am the co-founder of the Aurora United Soccer Club, a Christian outreach program for the children of Lawrence County; the added benefit - they get to play soccer, and hear the Gospel along the way. I currently serve on the Aurora Parks board, the employee relationship committee with Jack Henry & Associates as well as volunteer in the children’s ministry at James River Assembly. My passion is finding the lost, and bringing them home! Non of which I would be doing today, if not for the boldness of others. Often we sit back and say to ourselves "I will let someone else do it". But what if that someone else never shows up? What if someone else never steps up to the occasion? It would be so easy for me to sit back and say "well you were all right, I am not going to amount to much more then a factory worker" (please do not take offense to that phrase, that is just what I was told). Or.... and I say or with passion! I could stand face to face with the devil, laugh at him, and persevere! Arise to the challenge! Refuse to take NO for an answer, refuse to settle for anything but what God has for me! So I have to study a little different, so school is a little harder for me. BIG DEAL! The question is how bad do I want it? How bad do you want it? People, excuses are just that! A hand out is just that! Refuse to allow the bad to out weigh the good! Refuse to let anyone tell you that you are anything less then great! Dream, believe and overcome!