Sit back, grab a cup of Java and enjoy the day!

Welcome to our crazy everyday lives!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Day one a success!

I don’t even know where to start today!  What a day it has been….  In just one day God has laid so much on my heart!  I can honestly say when someone tells you that you will never be the same after a mission trip, they are spot on!  We walked through local streets this afternoon handing out invitations to the children, and I have to say it wasn’t that my heart was breaking as much for them, as it was for me, and my selfish ways.  For the things I have at home and the things my kids have.  I watched little boys play marbles; kids get excited over a sucker, a hug, and so much more.  This morning children’s pastors came from miles away, many walked to come to the conference that we put on for them today.  I think the most memorable pat of today for me was the prayer time we had with them…  I cannot even do it justice to try and tell you about it, all I can say, for me, it was life changing! 
We take so much for granted in the states.  So much!  We are spoiled; many are greedy, and selfish!  I am personally guilty of all of those things.  I bought a pair of sunglasses at the airport because I left mine at home; today we met the little girl whose picture is on our shirts.  She was so kind and sweet.  So I gave her the sunglasses as a gift…. I wish I had a box of toys, sunglasses, and whatever else I could get through customs to hand out.  To see their faces light up was priceless!  I found myself questioning my own character. 
Being here has been, and I know will continue to be a blessing….  Today has been amazing!  Tomorrow we get to go to a school and then again on Thursday I believe.  What’s crazy is here, the schools say please, come, come and share the Gospel with these kids!  A country with not a lot of material things and they are not scared to share the Gospel!  I think we could all learn from those who have less.  It’s too easy to sit back and forget that not everyone has a Wal-Mart or McDonalds on every corner.  There are people who carry water for miles, just so they can have fresh water, and I complain when the kids use all the hot water and I have to wait for a shower…  I can honestly say my life will forever be changed for the better!  I look forward to the day when I can bring the boys here! 
Until tomorrow have a great night!!!


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