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Welcome to our crazy everyday lives!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Life in fast forward

This week has been anything but normal, slow, or anything in between. As most days the past few weeks we have been going in every direction possible. Sunday was my first day back in the groove of working in the kids area at church. It was great to get back into working with the kids, watching the them make it look so easy; what seems so hard as adults. Monday Darren was flying solo, I was off to my monthly women's study, then Tuesday a class at church, and wait Wed. do you think we get 5 minutes together as a family????? LOL! NOPE! Darren and his dad were getting ready to go hunting until the coming Monday. With that said we spent Wed night cooking, baking and Darren packing and doing laundry making sure he was ready to go. Next thing we know , it is almost midnight. Boy, and we both had to get up in the morning. Thursday comes around and I was so happy for the rain, because that means NO soccer practice and we can rest! Now for today, good ole Friday. The boys and I come home, pick up the house, and then have some friends over for hamburgers and hot dogs. All the while I just want to sit down for five minutes. I kept thinking about tomorrow, we have two soccer games, two birthday party's and after the second party we are going over to their house for a cook out. Then Sunday, my favorite day of the week, and we end the night with Life Group... So I ask myself, do I get more rest during the week, or the weekend?????
Tonight Darren called and the boys fought over the phone. It was pretty funny, then Hunter kept hitting the button to hang up, and didn't realize he was doing it, and was just talking away, then the phone would ring and would say " Hey mom, they keep hanging up on me, whats up with that" it was too cute.
Tomorrow is 2 soccer games! In frigid weather.... WhooootWhoooot! Wish us luck!

Later my Friends

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